Need a Financial Advice? We Offer Professional Assistance Only!

Contact us for more information about our services.

Profitable Investments

Economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad
range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions.
Business Transaction Program

Business Transaction Program

To provide our client with our best advisory and procedure on every transaction in business, such as merger and acquisition, finance...

Litigation and Dispute Program

Litigation and Dispute Program

To achieve the success of legal and tax cases, we develop the best dispute and litigation schemes to provide the required solution to the existing...

Business Compliance Program

Business Compliance Program

To give our clients comfort in doing their business, we assist with end- to-end solution compliance service to mitigate risk from legal, tax and...

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We Love Or Clients

Unlimited Business Ideas.

We work to make your business start effectively working for you

Our Staff

We work to make your business start effectively working for you.
Meet the financial and marketing specialists.
Dr. Setiyono, S.H., M.H., CPArb., CPA.
Dr. Setiyono, S.H., M.H., CPArb., CPA.
Litigation Cooperation Partner
Alexander Mario
Alexander Mario
Tax Specialist
CV Pelita Indah
AMUZ Api Metra Boga
Apotek Mandjur
Gimae Seaweed
NiTaka Tokyo Salon
PT Hakuna Matata Retail

Our Gallery

View some of the most successful projects and more by our specialists presented in this gallery.


Testimonials from customers who are satisfied with services that have been effectively used
in marketing for as long as marketing exists.

CSI Consultant is an invaluable legal source and partner. They engage with MICO and understand our needs. Mrs. Siti Muhyinatun and the team initially helped us navigate a potential business transaction, pulling together the key legal experts we needed across various issues. They also helped smoothly navigate setting up our business, from structural advice to finalizing a comprehensive partnership agreement.

DinaHRD Manager MICO
Pak Yonick Lasamahu

CSI Consultant has been providing tax services for Ayyomifarm for the last three years taking care of company tax and my tax compliance. Their team is easy to work with, informed, efficient, pleasant, and always prompt in responding to inquiries and calls.

Pak Yonick LasamahuCEO - PT. Ayyomi Agro Perkasa

Highly recommend these guys to everyone who is in search of fresh ideas, quality products and excellent customer support. You will be able to find what you need and more right here with no hassle. Thanks for your time and efford toward our project. We will stay in touch!

Pak HengkyDirektur - PT Celebes Multisarana Sakti
Pak Dwi

I enjoyed working with you guys very much! No matter what issues or questions popped up, you were always there to assist. I appreciate your service, quality products and professional approach in every aspect. Keep up the excellent job and let us know what comes next!


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